04 Ford Taurus
2004 Ford Taurus SE Idling And Running Issues. I Have A 2004 Ford Taurus SE With 3.0 OHV V6. When You First Start It Up When The Engine Is Cool It Will Go To A Very High Idle And When It Starts Warming Up It Idles Down Some. Then It Will Come To A Rough Idle And Will Quit At Times. Stopping At A Red Light It Will Idle Rough. But Strangely Enough When Engine Is Warm, You Can Shut It Off For A Couple Of Minutes And Restart It And It Will Come To A High Idle Again For A Brief Moment Then Idles Back Down. While It Is Warm And The Car Is In Park, You Can Push The Gas Pedal To The Floor And The Engine Just Revvs Up And Down. The Tailpipe Has Became Black And The Car Is A Daily Driver. I Have Owned The Car For A Few Months And It Has Always Had A Rough Idle Going Up And Down. Recently, I Took It To A Garage And They Replaced The Fuel Filter, Coil Pack, A Oxygen Sensor, And Ran Seafoam Through The Vacuum System. When I Picked Up The Car From The Garage, I Put Some Seafoam In The Gas Tank. It Ran Great For A Couple Of Weeks But Now The Engine Light Came Back On And Still Has All The idling And running Problems I Described Earlier. Any Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated. Thank You.
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Oct 13, 2015Rating

High idle by: Anonymous I have had 2 shops smoke test and many cans of starter fluid and replaced all gaskets and pcv valve hose new air box mass air flow sensor and iac and tps. And professionally cleaned the plenum and throttle body. All that’s left seems to be the pcm which may not be learning factory idle for some reason. This whole problem started after sea foam in the intake and replacing the coil pack. 2nd time in 6 years. It used to stall when brakes were applied. Now idles anywhere between 1500 and 6000 rpm. After new iac it finally throws a code for iac detects high idle after 1 minute.
Oct 30, 2010Rating

04 Taurus Problems Repaired by: Anonymous I am the one with the 2004 Ford Taurus. I have checked the sensors like the mass air flow sensor, air mass sensor, EGR valve, and basically everything that runs to the intake. I have heard about the EGR port behind the engine clogging up but checked that and everything seemed alright. But, what I did repair is a vacuum leak around the mass air flow sensor and the sensor itself was okay though. I then seen the exhaust was blowing out particles from the catalytic converters. Well, I knew a friend that had a Ford Taurus for junk and had all the exhaust system and catalytic converters complete, so I bought them and had put them on and it repaired the sputtering when the car was revving up. I have fixed my car and I appreciate the help and if I have any more problems arise I will sure touch bases with you. Thank you.
Oct 30, 2010Rating

04 Ford Taurus Idling Issues by: rvs for sale Possible concerns include EGR valve stuck partially open, MAP sensor, vacuum leak or a dirty throttle body. Basic checks include all of the above and fuel pressure and a self test for fault codes.
Oct 25, 2010Rating

Taurus idle problem by: Anonymous I agree idling issues like this are sometimes caused by vacuum leaks from intake manifold if check engine light is lean code bank one and bank two replace intake manifold gaskets very common on ford Taurus, crown victoria, windstar vans. Also check for coolant leaks into passenger side rear coil pack caused by leaking heater pipe in intake could explain why other tech replaced coil pack for rough idle.
Oct 22, 2010Rating

Taurus idling problems by: Car Mechanic Ah the Ford Taurus idle issue. It is interesting that the shop “Replaced The Fuel Filter, Coil Pack, And Oxygen Sensor” These are not items I would suspect with an idling problem such as you described. Maybe they were unable to reproduce the problem you described. In cases like yours it is best to drop off the car the night before service so the shop can start it cold to reproduce the high Idle just like you.As for me I have seen your complaint on Taurus models with the 3.0 liter v6. In many cases a vacuum leak will cause idle problems. On that engine it is not unusual to find a small leak from a vacuum line or hose. In rare cases I have seen the intake manifold leak vacuum. And last but not least I have seen a binding and malfunctioning IAC (idle air control) motor cause this complaint.Of course without being there I can not confirm with diagnosis that any of these items are your problem. And the most important thing you mentioned was that the check engine light came on now! Diagnosing the set code may solve the problem. If the set code is for lean exhaust then this would be a sign of the above mentioned vacuum leak.