It’s usually not recommended that you ride your motorcycle in the rain, but there are times when it’s unavoidable.
Whether you’re on a cross-country road trip or just can’t wait for the rain to let up, you need to know how to properly operate your motorcycle in inclement conditions. These five motorcycle riding tips will help to keep you safe when the roads are slick and wet.
Motorcycle Riding Tips
Invest in Quality Gear
Owning comfortable riding gear isn’t a luxury, it’s an important safety measure. When your gear isn’t quite right, it can be a dangerous distraction.
For riding in the rain, waterproof accessories are essential. Your hands and feet are the most important, so be sure to purchase a good pair of waterproof boots and a few pairs of rain gloves.
Choose a waterproof suit with bright colors and reflective strips to improve your visibility. If your suit is dark in color, consider adding a bright, reflective vest.
Your vision is critical to your safety. Choose a helmet with an anti-fog face shield, a breath guard, or an electric defroster.
Smooth Out Your Ride
For the smoothest control, use both the front and rear brakes.
Avoid sharply grabbing the brake lever and ease the front brakes before braking hard. These techniques will help keep the chassis stable, improving stability and allowing you to brake faster.
Make throttle adjustments in small increments and avoid rough transitions. Finally, don’t let the stress of riding in the rain cause you to keep a death-grip on the handlebars.
Loosen up your grip to avoid exaggerating your movements and interfering with the bike’s suspension.
Maintain Your Tires
Regularly check your tires to ensure that they aren’t worn and are properly inflated. If you aren’t sure of the recommended specifications, check your motorcycle’s service manual.
If your bike has a flat rear tire, remember that a greater surface area increases the chances of hydroplaning. Remember that tires also take longer to warm up in the rain, so slow down and use extra caution.
Be Wary Of Other Drivers
We all hope that auto drivers will be responsible about sharing the road, but you can’t assume this will be the case. When it’s raining, it’s more difficult for drivers to see you. Be extra careful at intersections, don’t go through yellow lights, and lengthen your following distance.
Find A Dry Line
Roadways tend to dry faster in certain areas. If there’s a dry section in your lane, try to stay within it. This will improve your traction and make it easier to maneuver your bike.
Dry lines on the road tend to be in car tire tracks. If possible, follow the tracks of the car in front of you, as this can act as a plow to clear your way.
When Motorcycle Riding Tips Aren’t Enough
Even if you closely follow all of the best motorcycle riding tips, there’s still a possibility that things could go wrong. If you’re unfortunate enough to experience an accident, the first thing you need to do is take care of your injuries. After your condition has stabilized, it makes sense to reach out to a motorcycle injury attorney to discuss the details of your accident.
In addition to the tips above, proper motorcycle maintenance is a critical element of safe riding. Visit the Auto-Facts.org website to download your motorcycle’s service repair manual, keep up on the latest news, and even live-chat with a mechanic.