The Kelly blue book company has been around for more than 80 years. They are the trusted source for car pricing of all kinds. The KBB site has expanded its resources and available services. You can still get the used car prices and information trusted by many in the business along with new car pricing information. They are continually adding new services that will be very useful to the automotive consumer and dealerships alike.
An example of one new service is the ability to list your own personal automobile on their website for sale. They also have new links to check vehicle history and other useful services. You can also compare used car prices along with full reports of that specific make and model. These same services are available for the new 2013 model cars as well.
As the old blue book focused on used car values and still does the website has added complete coverage for new car pricing along with new car reviews that include JD Powers, Best Buy awards. The new and improved Kelly blue book site also provides buying advice based on cost of ownership.
Of course manufacturer suggested retail pricing is available, and a fresh service that lets you build out a new car only with the features you want. Plus, don’t miss their new feature called blue book videos. The experts from KBB will provide videos that are very helpful to car shoppers. The Kelley website now offers free information articles on a variety of subjects.
Some of the latest articles include 10 steps to buying a used car, 10 steps to buying a new car and 10 steps to selling your used car successfully. Almost all industry experts agree that the Kelley blue book website provides a valuable free service for the automotive community. Another recent addition to the website is the vehicle safety Center.

Here you compare crash test ratings, along with other valuable information about safety. One of my personal favorite areas on the Kelley blue book website is the latest information about hybrid vehicles.
They have a very in-depth view into the latest hybrid vehicles, including average fuel economy and side-by-side price comparison. Also included in the hybrid vehicle section are the latest reliability and technical advancements articles and information.
Like most automotive information websites, the new Kelly blue book automotive website also provides links and information about new car financing, car insurance and new car quotes and pricing. The Kelly blue book company has been a trusted resource for over 80 years. When it’s time for you to get vehicle information. This is one website that you should visit.
Below is a Link to the KBB Website
This is one website that I visit often. The resource I use the most is the used car prices index. I try to take advantage of my local state law that states that you can sell three used cars per year without obtaining a used car dealer license.
I have tried many other resources for this task, but wind up coming back to my trusted friend. So go ahead and bookmark this page and return anytime you need automotive information and a quick link to valuable resources like the KBB website (Opens in a new window).
This next link takes you directly to the Kelly blue book website.
Learn more about buying and selling cars for profit and fun right here on this website. This next link takes you back to my cars for sale info page. Learn more about the car mechanic and used car veteran that built this automotive and car questions website.
Bookmark this page and return to explore all of the free car information and resources available.
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