Diagnose a Bad Thermostat

How to Diagnose a Bad Thermostat

October 24, 2019 Mark Gittelman 0

People need to know how to diagnose a bad thermostat. It’s one of those often misunderstood car parts. When an engine has a cooling system problem people want to head directly for the engine thermostat. This raises a bunch of questions. For one, how long can we expect the thermostat […]

Radiator Problems

Dealing with Radiator Repairs on Cars and Trucks

July 11, 2019 Mark Gittelman 0

Dealing with radiator repairs on modern automobiles is a little different. They manufactured radiators, back in the old days, out of metals like brass, steel and aluminum. In addition, these heat transfer devices had top and bottom reserve tanks. Now, they make radiators exclusively out of plastic and aluminum. These […]