Why should you consider detailing cars for a living and what is so special about a detail business?
The quick answer is this remains one of the last businesses that does not require a large amount of start up capital, offices or employees. The lower the overhead the better chances of making it work.
You can start at home with your spare time. By starting small you will be able to develop your trade into an art form and become especially talented in a short period of time.
Paying attention to small details and providing the best possible customer experience brings repeat business and new clients through word of mouth. Getting initial clients is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Conversion ratios on Corvettes alone can be surprising. People with a Corvette want it clean and shinny regardless of the year and they usually have the financial resources to farm out the job. Find a dirty one and you have a good chance at cleaning it.
The learning curve is not as steep as with many other mechanical trades. And yes even the truly great car detailer will start small.
Practice makes perfect as with any worthwhile skill or trade. As you develop your talent for detailing cars the results can get noticed. This will begin to snowball when people start seeing finished work and wanting their car to look that way as well. Y
ou can’t argue the fact that driving a freshly detailed car brings a special feeling of well being that is not duplicated in many areas of life. You can also jump start your home business by passing out fliers around your neighborhood and knocking on some neighbor’s doors.
How to Start Car Detailing

Get some practice by detailing a car for free. Paying leads from the recipient of the free service will also be guaranteed.
Offering a couple of no charge get acquainted type jobs can pay big dividends in the long run. Another tip to offer very low pricing to start and use this to secure some regular customers.
Classic car shows is another place where positive word of mouth can turn viral in a good way. Show participants are tight with each other and the older guys will pay for a quality service.
Detailing a car effectively at a bargain price is the building blocks for an explosive income potential. My best friend has been detailing cars for about 10 years.
At first this was a side business. He would pick and choose the cars He wanted to detail on the weekends, or when ever he had extra time and the desire to make some extra money.
He calls his best customers and tells them he is available. The customers never say no. Even if they just went through the car wash.
The reason is that they know they better jump on the opportunity while the offer is available. He goes the extra mile and his customers know it.
As a side note he charges $75.00 for a full detail, but he’s gotten up to $50.00 in tips for many of his automotive detailing services. When I am on vacation from my regular job I work with him for some extra cash.
We head on over to the local privately owned used car lot and offer our services as a package price. By cleaning vehicles that are sitting right next to each other we can stream line the process.
Using this method we can get a lot of automobiles done in a short period of time. Now of course, as I stated on the homepage for detailing cars this is still hard work physically. You remember in the Karate Kid movie how wax on and wax off was used as a conditioning exercise.

My friend now does this full time and has quit his nine to five. First he developed and sharpened his skills. Then he built a small customer base.
Next he expanded his reach and bought a detailing trailer with a gas powered pressure washer and needed detailing equipment to cut the time spent on each car.
As an other side note, now that the business is a full time registered entity a yearly trip to the taxman has become a little easier on the wallet.
He can deduct his trailer full of equipment and the brand new truck that pulls it. Plus they are cleaning cars at the CPA office. People love getting into a clean car after work.
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Want to Start Detailing Cars Right Now
Auto-Facts.org now offers a complete line of detailing products. Professional equipment or just supplies for your own cars. Complete detailing kits from big names like Zymol and mothers.
Plus hard to find detailing brushes and specialized tools. The store opens in a new window so just close it out when your done and your right back here. Take a look at some car detailing equipment.
This next link takes you back to the Start page for Auto-Facts.org. You can learn about what else is available on this automotive website and also more about the car mechanic that built it.