Sometimes problems with Ford keyless entry are as simple as a dead battery in the hand operated remote control.
Other times the key fob buttons fail from normal usage. In that case replacement of the fob that also transmits the signal will be required. For your convenience the most common, Ford three and Four button remotes are available on this page.
Popular models like the Taurus, Windstar remotes and the clicker Fobs for the Mustang and focus are around ten dollars and include do it yourself programing instructions. Other models and manufacturers can be found on the Keyless Entry Remote Fob Clickers page over at amazon.
Be aware on some 1994 to 1996 Ford Explorers, Mazda Navajo and Mercury Mountaineer The problem can be much more complicated. There is a technical service bulletin stating the module controlling the key-less entry system may need to be replaced due to damage from static electricity discharge.
The key-less entry controller is located under the driver’s seat. It’s attached to the upper portion of the heavy steal seat track support frame.
The bulletin states that the upper track is not always grounded to the lower track as the factory had originally intended. What can happen is the driver gets charged up with static electricity.
When they sit down in the drivers seat they send a lightning bolt of static electricity through the keyless entry module. There’s a solution out to help stop this chain of events.
In some cases there’s not a good ground or an intermittent one between the upper and lower seat tracks. Without a strong ground the module could be destroyed by the electrical surge. Ford has come out with an inexpensive and in my opinion quick repair to protect the module.
Ford Keyless Entry Repairs

If this condition has already happened to you, then you will have to replace the remote module itself.
But even if your system is working okay the following repair is recommended for Explorer models 94-96.
Ford has specially designed a spring clip kit that will simply snap onto the lower track position. The clip has a carbon steel finger that will ground to the upper track while still allowing unrestricted movement.
It’s a lightning rod of sorts that directs current away from the modules ground. The clip does fit very tight against the track, and I use a pry bar to push it into place. I added the image included with the kit at the bottom of this page so you could see where it attaches.
It is also recommended to spread generous amounts of silicone grease on the upper and lower sections of the seat tracks.
Not only on where the clip installs, but also where the finger will ride against the upper track. This will insure a strong connection and that corrosion will not weaken it over time.
The official Ford part number for the repair kit is F77Z-78600B86-AA. The kit comes with instructions on where to install the special clip and only costs a few dollars. The replacement part number for the remote module itself is F7CZ-15604-EA on both Ford Explorers and Mercury Mountaineers.
Problems with Ford Remote Entry
The 1994 through 1996 Ford Explorer are an extremely popular SUV model. There are so many of these things still on the streets today that a small fix Like the one described above can be worthwhile.
Keep in mind that the technical service bulletin for the Ford entry module failure is only one of the many possible reasons that the keyless entry will not operate the door locks.
The common things like a dead battery or damaged Remote should be looked at as well. The above ford module repair procedure is most often looked at after the common items have been eliminated.
And for the mechanics that say this key less entry system just will not work no matter what I do. I direct them to this technical service bulletin.
To find specific service bulletins for your vehicle and see some examples, watch the video I put together about technical service bulletins. For more information and replacement key fobs, I have a section dedicated to replacing and programming keyless entry remotes. Share this Ford key-less entry page or bookmark it for reference.
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