So the Xbox1 and the PS4 will battle each other in gaming World War 3. But this makes the older systems a better buy so how about Xbox 360 pro bundle versus PS3, or World War 2. These legends of console gaming go head to head for the budget gamer market. With system prices going ever higher these capable systems will go lower.
See the Kinect games report below. I removed the E-bay live auctions at the bottom for accessories and games, because the widget wasn’t working reliably. If there is one truth in the world of gaming, it is that every gamer has a preference in which console they use. A person can deny it all they want. They can claim to enjoy consoles equally but deep down, there is always a preference.I pledge allegiance to the 360 and the Microsoft states of America, And to the republic for which we stand, well you get the idea.
If there was no opinion either way, the manufacturers would not put so much effort into the design, performance and marketing of their gaming systems. The two biggest rivals currently competing for the lion’s share of the gaming world are Sony and Microsoft.
Nintendo once again is a formidable adversary with the wii you and in recent years has also concentrated more on the hand held line that is incorporated into there latest console offering in an odd way. But I do not like the Wii so this page will compare the PS3 and the 360.
Microsoft and Sony compete for the next level of gaming. Kinect games launched in November 2010 with an interesting bonus pack. This push could have been a vast mistake had the 360 motion sensor been riddled with problems of its competition. Not only does it work well but the game support heading into 2014 increases because the connect is standard with the Xbox-1. So look for more titles that pull you off the couch.
Microsoft’s newest bundle has the motion sensing kinect input device. They where not the first to use this technology, but it will make sure the world knows that the Xbox-360 is going to hold its own against any and all competition.
Besides it’s not about who was first to roll it out it’s about which console has the best implementation of it. You can connect with friends with the Video Kinect feature and no headset is required.
You automatically sign into your profile by just stepping in front of the sensor. Kinect games give you the fun and freedom to jump, duck, and spin your way through the x-box 360 games of the present and future.
You also get two bonus levels of Rally-ball, one bonus level of Reflex Ridge, and a Kinect Adventure Helicopter prop for your Xbox live Avatar when you purchase the Kinect sensor and bonus pack.
They e-mail you two business days after your product ships with the access code. Microsoft Xbox 360 250 GB bundle below includes the most popular cables and accessories. The unit has a dual-layer DVD-ROM drive, which plays both the games and progressive scan DVD movies right out of the box.
The PS3 is a great gaming machine, but does not have the speed, capacity and the very important support/expandability that the Microsoft game console possesses. 360 has definitely crossed the line from being a gaming system with extra features to being a multimedia computer that happens to play games really well.
Do not get me wrong: the PS3 is a great gaming machine with incredible graphics and an extensive game library. However, the new Microsoft 500 GB pro bundle that is kinect ready simply has more power and versatility than the PS3.
After the launch of the next gen consoles prices might pull back slowly but until that time in my opinion the 360 is the way to go. This unit is the Now of entertainment. With the most stunning games, powerful technology and intelligent services. You become the center of your entertainment experience.
I’ve seen demos from E3 and next gen games are not a giant leap forward so play the most compelling games and watch DVD movies on a cheaper system that is still fully integrated entertainment system.
Xbox 360 How to Resource Book
I highly recommend the xbox 360 for dummies for this will help you get the most out of your game console. It’s for any owner of the console and you do not have to be a dummy! If you think I’m kidding read the reviews from the link on the right. Hear is a quick overview of the contents.
Part 1 – Think outside the Box and setting Up Your new system the right way to unleash the power within. (Hint don’t just plug it in to your tv av jack). Part 2 – The Blades: Dealing with the Dashboard; The Live Blade; The Media Blade; The System Blade; The Games Blade.
Part 3 – The media center of your Entertainment System: HDTV, EDTV, Plain Old TV; Getting the Best Audio Experience; Customizing Your Console! Part 4 – Pushing the Outer Limits: Parental Control; LAN Parties; Windows Media Center Extender.
Part 5 – Top ten lists for the system: Ten Great Web Sites; More Than Ten Great Games; Ten Tips for Parents; Ten Ways to Make Friends; Ten Great Accessories; Original Games; Ten tips for serious gamers and much more.
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