Did I say car detailing could be financially rewarding? Yes, in my opinion it can. The first way is when you keep up on your own vehicles exterior appearance. This will also protect the book value. When you look at the book value it provides 3 average figures.
Basically this breaks down into low, medium and high. On high end cars like the 2007 Aston Martin Vanquish pictured on the right the steps up in value are large. Regardless of the type of automobile you’ll never get the highest number (full retail) unless your vehicle is in outstanding exterior condition.
You can achieve this with regular car cleaning and detailing. Another way that automobile detailing can be financially rewarding is to start your own detailing business from the ground up.
This is one of the last in a box type businesses that can be started from grass roots with no franchise fees, without large overhead and reasonable initial start up costs. There is no question that the mobile car detailing business when executed correctly can be very profitable and time flexible.

You will need 2 important things to succeed and grow. High quality of service and learn how to market and sell the business particularly online. People love the convenience of having the perfect service performed at their home or work location.
This comfort is rewarded with top dollar price points. The mobile business is still an open field. My neighbor makes a good income detailing upscale vehicles in lawyers and doctor’s offices. He started out with local ones and then began to spread out in a circular pattern from his home base. Obviously, the shorter the drive to the job the bigger the profit. But this is not why he succeeded where others have failed.
He is very good at car detailing and using social media for marketing the business. Word of mouth has spread to the point where he is booked solid for two weeks out. I believe in detailing my own truck but I like to have my friend do my fiberglass boat.
Recently he is so busy that he keeps putting me on the back burner. If you are interested in hearing more of his personal story I have posted a quick article about how my friend took the slow path on getting started in the detailing cars business.
Well the last and best way to financially benefit is to buy a used car that looks kind of shabby and polish it into a jewel. I have done this many times for profit.
Car Detailing Into Cash
When I see an old car sitting under a tree wearing a for sale sign I get excited. If you like turning dirt to diamonds maybe you should take it to the next level and . But a vehicle’s appearance and condition of the exterior and interior ultimately determines the retail value, private party value and trade-in value.
To be successful you need professional tools, top quality supplies and also the knowledge of how to use them. Also a fair amount of practice to perfect the technique and time spent on each job.
The friend I mentioned directed me to an inexpensive resource he used to reinforce his business and detail skills. This book is just a few bucks, but the informative tips and techniques will provide the knowledge to take control of a start up. Perfect for every car enthusiast, weekend warrior, and the experienced detailer wanting to up their game. The newest version is the highest user rated guide available on this subject.
Amazon also has support videos and books that take an in depth look into car detailing, restoring and maintaining paint finishes. New car paints can have imperfections just like old ones but requires different techniques to repair.
Learn how to identify, maintain and improve many types of finishes to keep that showroom shine that so many wish for. Learn what supplies work the best for different finishes. This saves you from figuring it out by trial and error.
Learn the proper use and different combination’s of buffers, pads, waxes, and sealants to achieve professional results without having to purchase a hundred different products. I’m a nut about keeping my cars and boat shinny and clean. This requires a lot of time and energy. I have experimented with lots of car cleaning products. Find out what brand I use to wax my car.
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Low Cost Detail Supplies
Auto-Facts.org now offers detailing equipment and supplies directly to you. Get premium car waxes from top suppliers like Zymol. Also get single products or complete detailing kits plus buffers, pressure washers and hard to find detailing tools at Auto-Facts car detailing supplies and tools.
Come on back to the Start page for Auto-Facts.org and look around. Each page has another piece of the automotive puzzle.